Thursday, 23 April 2015

Health package for Kapha dosha

As stated above, kapha dosha is not a health issue and hence there is no need to worry. But some common health issues do arise due to occurrence of this problem in the human body. That is the reason it becomes all the more important to restore normal balance amid various body energies including the kapha dosha. For this, herbal remedies are the best option. Baba Ramdev health package for kapha dosha is apt in this regard. It aids in pacifying the aggravated or provoked kapha dosha. It also helps in relieving all the signs and symptoms that may appear in the body due to aggravation of this dosha. It is totally safe for overall health of human body attributed by its herbal or ayurvedic nature. No harm is caused to the body in any way with the help of this health pack.

Suggestions for people with excess of kapha dosha in the body
  • People suffering from excess of kapha dosha in the body should have well-balanced diet. They must eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Even they should also consume fruit juices and vegetable soups.
  • Such people are advised to take low-fat milk and low fat-yogurt diet. Consumption of ghee should also be reduced. 
  • Kapha dosha can be pacified by using honey. It helps in opening the blockage caused due to sinuses and colds. It also helps in relieving allergies and the problems caused due to same in the body.
  • Drinking hot ginger tea also helps in pacifying and balancing the kapha dosha in the body.
  • Avoid juicy and sweet vegetables. Instead you can have other types of vegetables.  

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